четверг, 23 января 2020 г.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. With beautiful harmonies, restrained to a modest, but elegant layer of space and time, In the Mood for love already explains in the title the grandiosity of its purpose. When 'Barracuda' was released I was merely three years old, but thanks to the magic of MTV and the record collection of the local library, I eventually got acquainted with rock legends Heart. They ended the year playing in several places of Portugal and Galicia. A beautiful track that departs from the melodic epicenter of its own sidereal, but anatomically condensed rhythmic beat, the melody is a graceful disposition of continuous overflow, that eventually resigns itself to a diffusive and mordacious tune. quinteto violado discografia

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Muro do Classic Rock: Ave Sangria ()

This graceful — and somewhat hyperbolic — compilation displays a calmer, but consistent sonorous expansion, that seems to discreetly come from within the serenity of its own dispersive calmness. Better known as a discohrafia, Joyce sings on this album songs written by distinctive professional songwriters, some of them famous discpgrafia of Brazilian music, giving them very personal reinterpretations.

Featuring prominently all the qualities described above, although with a more dreadful virulence, the sound on this album is undoubtedly more homogeneous, but also appears to be more clean and sober, which makes me think that it was better produced.

Time for drugged-out rappers Cypress Hill to be added to one of our weird lists.

Brigada Victor Jara

Discohrafia, in all my metallic history, my upper-crush has been Anneke Van Giersbergen and her breathtaking work with The Gathering. That's one fine musical marriage in The Netherlands. Last, but not least, I should point it out the marvelous video of a live performance by Kammarheit, recorded in You can comment yours below, or not, I don't mind.

Minas Morgul is a formidable and highly original epic black metal album, with brightly circumspect atmospheric elements, as well as — to a minor degree — neo-folk arrangements, released inby Austrian band Summoning, which is active since The style of the group — diacografia is profusely highlighted in this work — is characterized by deeply profound and authorial experimentalism, yet respecting the proverbial violaso of traditional northeast music, delivering a revolving, but cohesive and dynamic musical density, whose melodies liquefy at the tangential reverberation of proficient and flexible harmonious tonalities.

You feel yourself being slowly dragged to a parallel dimension of ambiguous vertigos, as a latent and virulent sinister melody imprisons the conscience of your soul inside a lugubrious journey of fading realities, beyond an infinite realm of darkness that will sadistically arrest the universe in a somnolent and sensitive lethargic existence.

Despite the fact that this song is simple, and resigns itself to the basic elements of electronic dance music, the style of the duo is ostensibly prominent, and the rude eccentricity of its somewhat profoundly circular harmonies is an integral component of its beauty.

Of course, you really have to love deeply this genre of music; otherwise, you will be astoundingly bored. Perished, Death into Life and Longing for the End. With fabulous and graceful tropical disco tonalities, the highly baritone vocals, complemented with the splendidly tuned female voices, are wonderfully sidelined by the effective rhythms of a sensational musical symphony, that wanders within a universe of poetic elegance that definitely achieves the highest standards of the genre.

quinteto violado discografia

In the band returned once more to France, in order to play for the Portuguese diaspora in the viplado of the Carnation Revolution. Quinteto Violado, released inis the eponymous debut album of a traditional folk music group from Recife, in the northeast region of Brazil — coincidentally, the same place of origin of singer Di Melo — a place whose characteristic and deeply peculiar exotic culture features as discogragia distinct trace within Brazil.

A very melodic, delicate and serene album, Mist, by Thom Brennan, is a very dispersive atmospheric piece, whose sound seems shrouded in mist and secrecy: Also coming from the glorious nineties, Wizards Of Ooze delivered some butt shaking jazz funk. All of these artists and bands — with a few exceptions — remains qiunteto unknown to the general public, though some of them acquired variable degres of fame, at least for a brief period of time.

quinteto violado discografia

Indie rockers School Is Cool have a pretty neat idea. A fantastic, vigorous and amazingly energetic song, Flood displays direct, but rapturous melodies, that punctuates the anatomy and the framework of the sound's strength. An interesting song qkinteto a very psychedelic and colorful vibe, Flutin has a beautiful harmonious base, that condensates its vibrating discogrzfia tonalities, while reverberating extensively in line with the gracious melodies that undertakes the density of its rhythm.

Kollektionen was released in If I properly remember, the first time I've heard this amazingly delightful tune I was at work, probably more than a decade ago, in a period of my life where I used to do the night shifts in the department of a large company, and a local radio station used to play mostly this type of music, which helped me to create a taste for the genre, though I already had a fascination and a general inclination to love smooth, poetic, depressive, adult contemporary easy listening music, given the fact that, when I was a teenager, in discogrfaia late nineties, I regularly visited my father in the distant neighborhood where he lived with his mother, my grandmother, in the outskirts of the city.

This album is discografiia marvelous, being amazingly excellent from the beginning until the end.

Letras de Novelas

Despite its dark and impenitent fury, the songs are marvelously refined, and displays a consistent essence that summarily revolves around the legacy of its own artistic principles. Inthe original members reunited again, though one of them left the band before they released one more album, Magnetized, in ; since then, Johnny Hates Jazz has since been performing as a duo.

Coincidentally, all the albums featured on this list were released in the seventies. None of these albums is too extensive.

quinteto violado discografia

This marvelous album was originally released inand already displays the group flirting with more melodic, versatile and flexible musical elements, although maintaining its creative nucleus ostensibly engraved on lunar BM ferocity. Originally written and performed by Everlast, this version sung by Swedish singer Jay Smith is simply too marvelous to be true.

ghostcapital: V/A -- Música Popular do Nordeste 1 (, Brasil - Discos Marcus Pereira)

And fortunately, there are an extraordinary abundance of them. With Luc De Vos, kleinkunst gained a massive level of rock 'n roll. A very nice, flexible and splendorous track, this remix version of Fresh Start has an imponderable and versatile rhythm, that graciously revolves around the peripheral harmonies of the song.

The vivaciousness present in most of the melodies — even in the apparently melancholic ones — is a witness to the restless life that reverberates in the creative microcosm of the artist, something that was visible in the regional scene from which this singer emerged, and that always had been a standalone quality in Brazilian folk music in general.

You definitely feel yourself trapped in a world of permanent darkness; severely impotent, you feel there is nothing you can do to escape the terrible and drastic fate ivolado will eventually befall over you.

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