среда, 22 января 2020 г.


Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 14 August Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 14 March It is not an easy job but I feel I do it so well because it so deeply represents my life and who I am as an artist. A dream weaver of sound, Fernando prides himself on taking his listeners on a dreamy two-hour odyssey that infuses ethereal melodies and harmonies in each carefully selected track. About us Founded in , Progressive Astronaut is a carefully curated platform, operating at the heart of the electronic underground. Dreamers begins the new year in a big way with a new EP from label boss Fernando Ferreyra. Remix [This And That]. fernando ferreyra dreamers

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Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 09 January Log into your account. Can you give us the top 5 artists from Argentina, yourself included of course, that we should be paying attention to right now?

With a lot of luck and determination the exhaustive process leads to 20 tracks, but this is where the complicated journey begins. Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 14 November Username or Email Address.

Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers, Download All Episodes

Dhany G — Sun 24 [Balkan Connection]. Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 13 November Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 08 May But I continued, and here I am after so many years, doing what I love most in my life, being faithful to my taste and to my principles.

Aaaron — Cosmic Soul [Connected]. Fernando Ffrnando - Dreamers - 13 March For me, this is as close to perfection as possible and there is no other way of creating Dreamers.

One Argentinian artist that has made incredible segues into the underground is Fernando Ferreyra. I get messages daily of how my music has served in healing them.

An artist who does not remain true to themself or their art will ferreyrra go far, regardless of what is, or who is popular at any given moment in music time. Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers ferrreyra 10 October Then I select approximately 50 tracks, which takes me a day to go through.

The continued evolution of dance culture resonates from the core of our platform as we move forward into the future.

Fernando Ferreyra Live Sets & DJ Mixes to Listen or Download

Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 14 May Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 14 August Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 09 July For the disc jockeys, it has allowed us to have more free music, faster, and unique sounds and exclusive music, at least for a while. He arrives backstage smattered in…. Initiated with the intent of musical exploration, we set out to showcase innovative content to our ever growing community.

fernando ferreyra dreamers

I am completely surprised and humbled by this, which is another reason why I continue creating my music, as you can see, I am derreyra very deep and very emotional person. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Moondance Festival Announces line up: You are correct in saying that the Argentine public is very special, it is a very warm public, a public that likes to have fun, that knows and appreciates the quality of DJs that play in many parts of the country and world.

fernando ferreyra dreamers

Sorry, I know this is more than 5, but these clubs are really important and contribute a lot to the real electronic scene of Argentina.

Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 13 February Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 14 February As for musical production, I have decided for quite some time now, not to edit my own music for labels, every track I finish I use it in my sets live, and nothing else. Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 12 September Right now, I have a single commitment to finish, fernadno remix for my friend Tomas Laborda.

fernando ferreyra dreamers

Fernando Ferreyra - Dreamers - 10 July PA Elements — Lake Avalon.

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