вторник, 28 января 2020 г.


The value is that it has many photos of faces expressing emotions and variations in intensity and combinations of those emotions. Plus, I was annoyed by the low quality pictures. For example, at funerals the mourners should adjust their own expressions of grief in relation to the grief of others. All the muscles used for each expression are described and demonstrated, and there are base photos in the back to cut out and use to mix expressions on the fly. That being said, facial expression recognition isn't normally an area that I read much about or really have a passion for which may be why I found the book less interesting than I was hoping. unmasking the face ekman

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In his phenomenal and fascinating book, Dr. I didn't really learn anything new. Nov 07, Stefania rated it liked it Shelves: Account Options Sign in. In the current state of worldwide affairs, knowing how people feel is a vital skill. Manuals of explaining 7 basic universal emotions - anger, disgust, surprise, fear, contempt, happy, sadness.

That being said, facial expression recognition isn't normally an area that I read much about or really have a passion for which may be why I found the book less interesting than I was hoping.

Unmasking the Face: A Guide to Recognizing Emotions from Facial Clues by Paul Ekman

The man's images they used in this book weren't as expressive as I would have expected. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. My library Help Advanced Book Search.

Coupled with that, the three management techniques individuals employ, which are simulating, neutralizing and masking, are also covered in some detail. Do yourself a favor and buy the real thing. No trivia or quizzes yet. Jun 19, Carol Flores rated it liked it. Also, cultures differ in how people try skman manage the appearance of their faces in different social situations.

Nov 06, Nick rated it it was amazing.

Aug 13, Jason rated it liked it. It is a good book despite its kind of commercial title. I was very pleased with this book. Open Preview See a Problem? I'm willing to bet writers who get stuck unmxsking while This book is unintentionally a fantastic resource for creating subtle or not so subtle facial expressions for specific emotions or mixed emotions in elman, comics or portraits.

I'm willing to bet writers who get stuck sometimes while trying to show, not tell, might find the breakdowns of each emotion helpful, as well. The value is that it has many photos of faces expressing emotions and variations in intensity and combinations of those emotions. Strongly recommended to everybody and especially to "Lie to me" fans. Knowing when people are lying, even more unmazking. I've been doing a lot of reading on micro-expressions and watching documentaries and tv shows about lie detecting and reading body language, etc, and this book is one of the most helpful resources I've come across so far.

Unmasking the Face: A Guide to Recognizing Emotions from Facial Clues

It's dry, but fascinating! It features several practical exercises that help actors, teachers, salesmen, counselors, nurses, law-enforcement personnel and hnmasking -- and everyone else who deals with people -- to become adept, perceptive readers of the facial expressions of emotions. This is vital because it just so happens that the above show was in large part based on the work of behavioral psychologist Dr.

Ekmaan cataloguing facial deceit, Ekman also narrows down facial expressions to four reasons: And it just so happens that individuals can be taught, or can learn by themselves how to spot these errant behaviors.

A personal display rule may also be quite general; histrionic persons customarily over-intensify all emotional expression This book felt like reading a textbook.

unmasking the face ekman

Why is most of the populace unable to read lies when a select few can do so at will? Also explained was why this information is useful in everyday life, even for those that aren't scientists, lawyers or law enforcement.

unmasking the face ekman

A great book for actors, counselors, interrogaters, and I suppose con artists. The manual is comprehensive until you read FACS.

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